How to Style Your Bed

What Is the Style that You Are After

Everyone's style is unique, especially when it comes to designing your own space. Your space should be a direct reflection of you and your family. Looking on Pinterest helps you get an idea of what different styles you want for your bedding. If you are looking for something that is contemporary, find inspirational photos that help you envision your bedding.  

Mixing Textiles

If you want to elevate your bedroom, focus on making your bed look like you just want to jump into it first thing when you come home. Find a comforter that has texture or a solid fabric. Throw some pillows that have different textures and colors that directly reflect the style that you are looking for. The texture helps add more dimensions and depth to your bed. Lastly, place at the end of your bed a unique throw blanket that helps add more texture and frames the end of your bed - especially if you do not have a footboard on your bed frame. 

Layering The Bed

The bed should have layers, from the sheets, comforter, shams, throw pillows, and throw blanket they should all be structured and layers. Always find the plushiest comforter and throw pillows to add more thickness to your bed - it helps make your bed look more elevated and clean. Layering your throw pillows is important because it helps dress the bed and add interest to it, add different sizes to your bed to help give it contrast and depth. 

Quality Over Quantity

Your bed is the place that you spend half of your time living in. The bed should sleep comfortably and be the place you want to hop into after a long day. Invest in a good quality mattress that will last you more than 10+ years, your sleep is important for your health. Selecting sheets for your bed should be also an investment, your sheet should last you over 2-5 years. The threat count and the quality matter on the sheets especially when it comes to washing them regularly. Your comforter and throw pillows can be changed every season to a year, if you plan on changing the top of the comforter it is recommended to get a duvet comforter so that you can change the fabric whenever you desire. 

Coordinating With The Rest of the Bedroom

If you already have existing furniture in your room and are not sure where to start when it comes to your bedding. Look at the existing colors and textures already present in your bedroom. Snap some photos of your furniture, rug, and art then browse through the internet and find similar patterns, textures, and colors for your comforter, throw pillows, and throw blanket. For your bedding sheets, always go for something lighter or darker than the comforter. 

Now that you know about how to style your bed, we hope this helps you get inspired to start styling your bed. Be sure to send a photo of your bed to us and we will tag you on our Instagram or Facebook story. 


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